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April 2016


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Eric 'Siggy' Scott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Evolutionary Computation Digest <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Apr 2016 20:10:49 -0400
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Evolutionary Computation Digest - Friday, 01 April 2016, Volume 30: Issue 4

SUBMISSION ADDRESS:    [log in to unmask]

(UN)SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS:  at the bottom of this email

Today's Topics:

Editors note: Don't worry, there are NO April Fools' jokes in this issue!
You can trust what you find enclosed :). —E. Scott

 - Genetic Improvement Workshop: Funding for Students
 - PhD position in optimisation @ Inria Lille-Nord Europe

 CFPs (with submission deadline)
 - 03 April: GECCO 2016 Workshops
 - 06 April: Deadline Extension: GECCO 16 Student Workshop
 - 13 April: International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering
(SSBSE 2016)
 - 14 April: International Workshop on Parallel Optimization using/for
Multi and Many-core High Performance Computing (POMCO 2016)
 - 15 April: Extended Deadline: International Symposium on INnovations in
Intelligent SysTems (INISTA 2016)
 - 18 April: PPSN 2016—Extended Deadling
 - 06 May: International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired
Computing (META 2016)
 - 01 June: CFE: Awards for Human-Competitive Results Produced by Genetic
and Evolutionary Computation


23–27 May, 2016, Chicago, IL: 19th International Workshop on Nature
Inspired Distributed Computing (NDISC)

08–10 June, 2016, Plymouth, UK: 10th International Workshop on Hybrid

20–24 July, 2016, Denver, Colorado: 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference (GECCO)

25–29 July, 2016, Vancouver, Canada: 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC—held as part of WCCI 2016)

17–21 September, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland: 14th International Conference
on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN)

Sender: Petke, Justyna <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: GECCO 2016 Genetic Improvement Workshop (deadline: April 3rd) -

Genetic Improvement Workshop (GI-2016) - funding for students

We are happy to announce that, thanks to the generous support of GrammaTech,
we are offering *up to 5 scholarships* to cover registration costs for
GECCO and all associated workshops for students whose work is accepted to
the GI

Priority will be given based on the student's need and submission quality.
Students applying for a scholarship should submit a first-author regular
paper to the workshop (up to 8 pages long). Moreover, their supervisor
send  a one-paragraph note of recommendation to
[log in to unmask]

- the student's area of work.
- the supervisor's support of the student's application.

***Student Session
At GI 2016 we will be offering one-on-one time for PhD students to talk to
senior members of the field. This is a great opportunity to discuss your
work and career with academic researchers experienced in GI, GP, and
Evolutionary Computation, including: Wolfgang Banzhaf, Gabriela Ochoa,
Chris Simons, Westley Weimer, and John Woodward.

***Key Dates
Paper submission deadline:        April 3, 2016
Authors Notification:            April 20, 2016
Camera-ready submission:        May 4, 2016
GECCO, Denver, Colorado, USA:        July 20-24, 2016


Sender: Laetitia Jourdan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: PhD position in optimisation @ Inria Lille-Nord Europe

A phd position (3 years) is available at Inria Lille Nord Europe in France
on Optimization of Patient management in hospital: Approaches by stochastic
models (see
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information and to circulate this

Best regards
Laetitia Jourdan

Sender: Per Kristian Lehre <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: GECCO 2016 Call for Workshop Papers, Late Breaking Abstracts, and
Hot Off the Press

2016 ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2016)
July 20-24, 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA

The organizing committee invites the submission of papers to the 17
workshops that will be held at GECCO 2016. The general submission
deadline is April 3, 2016. Interested authors are invited to consult
the individual web pages of the workshops for details about the
submission procedure. Accepted workshop papers will be included in
proceedings companion to be distributed on USB key to all attendees of
the conference and in the ACM Digital Library.

For more information and links to the individual workshop web pages:

** Important Dates **
* Workshop paper submission deadline (general): April 3, 2016
* Notification of acceptance for workshop papers: April 20, 2016
* Camera ready submission: May 4, 2016
* Advance registration: April 28, 2016

[Editor's note: the EC-Digest received specific CFPs for the following
GECCO workshops:]

***Measuring and Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms (MPDEA)***
URL: and
Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms
Sender: Stefano Cagnoni <[log in to unmask]>

***Visualization in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (VizGEC 2016)***
Sender: Walker, David <[log in to unmask]>

***Genetic Improvement Workshop (GI-2016)***
Sender:  Petke, Justyna <[log in to unmask]>

***Genetic and Evolutionary Computation in Defense, Security, and Risk
Sender: Gunes Kayacik <[log in to unmask]>

***Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation***
Sender: Stefano Cagnoni <[log in to unmask]>

[/Editor's note]

** Late Breaking Abstracts **

Two-page abstracts describing late-breaking developments in the field
of genetic and evolutionary computation are solicited for presentation
at the Late-Breaking Abstracts Workshop of the 2016 Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2016), and for inclusion in
the proceedings companion to be distributed on USB key to all
attendees of the conference and in the ACM Digital Library.
Late-breaking abstracts will be briefly examined for relevance and
minimum standards of acceptability, but will not be peer reviewed in
detail. Authors of accepted late-breaking abstracts will individually
retain copyright (and all other rights) to their late-breaking
abstracts. Accepted late breaking abstracts with no author registered
by the deadline will not appear in the Late-Breaking Abstracts section
on the USB key nor the ACM Digital Library.

For more information:

** Hot Off the Press **

The HOP (Hot Off the Press) track offers authors of recent papers the
opportunity to present their work to the GECCO community, both by
giving a talk on one of the three main days of the conference and by
having a 2-page abstract appear in the Proceedings Companion, in which
also the workshop papers, late-breaking abstracts, and tutorials
appear. We invite researchers to submit summaries of their own work
recently published in top-tier conferences and journals. Contributions
are selected based on their scientific quality and their relevance to
the GECCO community. Typical contributions include (but are not
limited to) evolutionary computation papers appeared at venues
different from GECCO, papers comparing different heuristics and
optimization methods that appeared at a general heuristics or
optimization venue, papers describing applications of evolutionary
methods that appeared at venues of this application domain, or papers
describing methods with relevance to the GECCO community that appeared
at a venue centered around this methods domain. In any case, it is the
author’s responsibility to make clear why this work is relevant for
the GECCO community, and to present the results in a language
accessible to the GECCO community. The deadline for submission is
April 10, 2016.

For more information:

Sender: Vanessa Volz <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Deadline Extension: GECCO 16 Student Workshop

**** FINAL CFP, Deadline extended for 3 days****

                STUDENT WORKSHOP AT GECCO 2016


              JULY 20-24, 2016, DENVER, COLORADO, USA

The student workshop at GECCO 2016 aims to encourage graduate and
undergraduate students to submit and present their research on genetic and
evolutionary computation at GECCO (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference) 2016 in Denver, Colorado, USA. This full day workshop assists
students with their work and facilitates their inclusion in the research

At the workshop, students receive valuable feedback on the quality of their
work and their presentation style. This is assured by constructive
discussions after each talk led by a mentor panel of established
researchers. Students are also encouraged to use this opportunity for
guidance on future research directions.

In addition, we provide opportunities to:
* present the work to the whole conference audience at the poster session,
* receive a best paper award, and,
* continue the discussion at a get together after the workshop.

* Workshop submission deadline: April 6, 2016
* Decision notification: April 23, 2016
* Camera-ready submission: May 4, 2016

For more details and up-to-date news, please visit our workshop web site at

or follow us on twitter:

Sender: Marouane Kessentini <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: CFPs for SSBSE 2016 - 8th International Symposium on Search Based
Software Engineering (SSBSE)

SSBSE 2016
We are pleased to announce SSBSE 2016, the eight edition of the annual
dedicated to Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), to be held in
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Search-based Software Engineering (SBSE) is
the application of meta-heuristic optimisation techniques to various
software engineering problems, ranging from requirements engineering to
software testing and maintenance. The symposium builds on the flourishing
interest in SBSE and provides a welcoming forum for discussion and
dissemination that will strengthen the rapidly-growing international SBSE

Accepted papers will be published in a volume of the Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS).



  Abstract submission      April 13, 2016
  Paper Submission         April 20, 2015
  Notification             May 31, 2015


  Paper Submission          May 16, 2016
  Notification              June 10, 2016
  Camera Ready              June 15, 2016

Sender: Imen Chakroun <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [DEADLINE APPROACHING] HPCS/POMCO'2016 Intlernational Workshop +
Special issue in JPDC journal


International Workshop on Parallel Optimization using/for Multi and

Many-core High Performance Computing (POMCO 2016)

As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing &
Simulation (HPCS 2016)

July 18 – July 22, 2016

The University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria

*Submission Deadline: April 14, 2016  (TWO WEEKS TO DEADLINE!!)*

On the road to exascale, multi-core processors and many-core
accelerators/coprocessors are increasingly becoming key-building blocks of
many computing platforms including laptops, high performance workstations,
clusters, grids, and clouds. On the other hand, plenty of hard problems in
a wide range of areas including engineering design, telecommunications,
logistics and transportation, biology, energy, etc., are often modeled and
tackled using optimization approaches. These approaches include greedy
algorithms, exact methods (dynamic programming, Branch-and-X, constraint
programming, A*, etc.) and meta-heuristics (evolutionary algorithms,
particle swarm, ant or bee colonies, simulated annealing, Tabu search,
etc.). In many research works, optimization techniques are used to address
high performance computing (HPC) issues including HPC hardware design,
compiling, scheduling, auto-tuning, etc. On the other hand, optimization
problems become increasingly large and complex, forcing the use of parallel
computing for their efficient and effective resolution. The design and
implementation of parallel optimization methods raise several issues such
as load balancing, data locality and placement, fault tolerance,
scalability, thread divergence, etc.

*Paper Submissions: ---------------------------------------- April 14, 2016*
*Acceptance Notification: ----------------------------------- April 28,
*Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due by: -----------  May 15, 2016*
*Conference Dates:  ----------------------------------------  July 18 – 22,

Sender: IDS Research Group Newsletter <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Extended deadline until April 15th, INISTA 2016

We cordially invite you to contribute by submitting papers to the 11th
International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and
Applications to be held during August 2-5, 2016 in Sinaia, Romania.

The INISTA 2016 conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Romanian
Section, Computational Intelligence Society Chapter.

The accepted and presented papers will be included for indexing into IEEE
Xplore, as well as in other prestigious international publication databases.

Sender: Hart, Emma <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: PPSN deadline

PPSN 2016 – Extended Deadline

Extended Paper Submission Deadline 18th April 2016

Researchers are invited to submit their original work in the field of
Natural Computing to the 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem
Solving From Nature. The page limit is 10 pages, and papers must be
submitted in Springer LNCS style through the conference web page at The Extended deadline
of 18th April is final and no submissions will be accepted after this date.

Important Dates
Extended Paper submission April 18, 2016
Camera-ready paper submission June 6, 2016
Early registration June 13, 2016
Conference dates September 17-21, 2016

Sender: Grégoire DANOY <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: CFP META'2016

International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing

                         27-31 Oct 2016
                       Marrakech, Morocco


META is one of the main event focusing on the progress of the area of
metaheuristics and their applications. As in previous editions, META'2016
will provide an opportunity to the international research community in
metaheuristics to discuss recent research results, to develop new ideas and
collaborations, and to meet old friends and make new ones in a friendly and
relaxed atmosphere.

META'2016 welcomes presentations that cover any aspects of metaheuristic
research such as new algorithmic developments, high-impact applications,
new research challenges, theoretical developments, implementation issues,
and in-depth experimental studies. META'2016 strives for a high-quality
program that will be completed by a number of invited talks, tutorials,
workshops and special sessions.

Important dates

- Submission deadline: May 6, 2016
- Notification of acceptance: June 3, 2016

Sender: Prof Tang <[log in to unmask]>

Sender: Per Kristian Lehre <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [GECCO CFP] CFE: Awards for Human-Competitive Results Produced by
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

 Call For Entries
             for 13th Annual (2016) "Humies" Awards
                for Human-Competitive Results
   Produced by Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

                      To be Held at
   Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
               July 20-24, 2016 (Wednesday-Sunday)
                     Denver, Colorado


Entries are hereby solicited for awards totaling $10,000 for
human-competitive results that have been produced by any form of
genetic and evolutionary computation (including, but not limited to
genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies,
evolutionary programming, learning classifier systems, grammatical
evolution, gene expression programming, differential evolution, etc.)
and that have been published in the open literature between the
deadline for the previous competition and the deadline for the current


Monday June 1, 2016 Deadline for entries (consisting of one TEXT file
and one or more PDF files).  Send entries to
koza at human-competitive dot org

Monday June 22, 2016 Finalists will be notified by e-mail

Thursday July 6, 2016 Finalists must submit their presentation (e.g.,
PowerPoint, PDF) for posting on the competition web site.  Send
presentations to koza at human-competitive dot org

July 20-24,2016 (Wednesday-Sunday) The GECCO conference

Wednesday July 20, 2016 (TENTATIVE) Presentations before judging
committee at public session of the GECCO conference

Sunday July 24, 2015 (TENTATIVE) Announcement of awards at plenary
session of the GECCO conference


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 End of Evolutionary Computation Digest