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July 2011


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Print Reply
Christopher Hollander <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Evolutionary Computation Digest <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Jul 2011 12:49:26 -0400
text/plain (794 lines)
Evolutionary Computation Digest Monday, July 4th, 2011 Volume 25: Issue 7

SUBMISSION ADDRESS:    [log in to unmask]

(UN)SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS:  at the bottom of this email


Today's Topics:

 - Funded PhD position
 - CEC 2011 bibtex

 - CFP: Optimization on Complex Systems - SI in Memetic Computing
 - Call For Participation: WORLDCOMP 2011 Congress
 - Call for Participation: ThRaSH'2011
 - CFP 4th Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms
 - CFP EC track - ACM SAC 2012
 - CFP: Special Issue of J. of Comp. Sci. and Tech. (JCST) on Evo. Comp.
 - JECE: Special issue on "Nature-Inspired Opt. in Com. and Signal Proc."


CALENDAR OF GA-RELATED ACTIVITIES: (with EC-Digest issue reference)

ThRaSH'20?11, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 8-9, 2011                        (v25n4)
GECCO'11,Genetic and Evol Comp Conference, Dublin, Ireland,July 12-16 '11(v24n7)
WORLDCOMP 2011 Congress, July 18-21, 2011, USA                           (v25n1)
EUROGEN 2011, Capua, Italy, September 14-16, 20, 2011                    (v25n2)
NICSO 2011, Cluj Napoca, Romania, October, 20-22, 2011
EA-2011, Angers, France, October 24-26, 2011                             (v25n2)

Sender: Roberto Moran [log in to unmask]

Soft Computing (SC) and Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) provide
powerful tools for problem solving in a variety of domains. A
non-exhaustive list of typical applications includes client
segmentation, fraud detection, credit scoring, process control,
logistics and information retrieval.

Applications can be found in all sectors: engineering, finance,
marketing, operations research, bioinformatics, medicine, ...

The tremendous potential of SC and IDA has created a demand for
well-trained professionals in this field. For this reason, the
University of Oviedo and the European Centre for Soft Computing have
joined efforts to offer an Official Master Course in Soft Computing
and Intelligent Data Analysis. This is a one-year full-time program
that combines rigorous training in advanced techniques with a close
contact with real applications.


The objective of the Master is to provide students with the
foundations required to pursue a PhD degree, as well as with applied
skills to prepare for a research career in academy or industry. The
Master is supported by several companies with important presence in
the field.


The program is designed to provide a balanced mix of academic and
professional training. The course is divided into three Modules plus a
Master's project:

Module I: Fundamentals of Soft Computing and IDA

This module is dedicated to the study of the main paradigms which
constitute Soft Computing (SC) and Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), as
well as some other important questions as experimental design. The
module is fundamental and mandatory since those techniques will be
considered as known in the following modules while considering
specific domains of application.

Module II: Advanced topics in Soft Computing and IDA

This module is dedicated to cover some additional concepts, methods,
and general questions in the field of SC and IDA, giving the student
the opportunity to define his profile inside this broad field. It also
include a Seminar on Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis
which offers the students a really wide approach to the topic
including new trends and presentations from companies working in the

Module III: Applications

The last module is devoted to the study of specific application areas.
It is the more flexible module since all the courses are optional and
their contents will be adapted to hot topics.


The teaching staff has been selected among the top academics in this
field. All lecturers have considerable teaching experience (on
average, 15 years) and a world-class reputation in research. The list
of lecturers includes, among others:


Academic Period: September 2011 to July 2012.
Language: English.
Class Schedule: From 15:30 until 20:00, Monday through Friday.
Location: Scientific Building in the Mieres Campus of the University
of Oviedo (SPAIN).

Application Periods:

A first period will be open from May 1st to May 15th, with the
admission defined by mid June.
A second period will last from June 13th to July 10th, with the
admission defined by early August.

Course Fee: approximately 2300€ (official prices for next year not yet

Financial Aid: The Master offers scholarships that will cover
registration fee, round trip and living expenses. Scholarships are
open to all applicants and will be awarded on the basis of academic


For a complete information on program, courses, lecturers, and all
administrative aspects please visit

For any other specific information write or call:

e-mail:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]
Telephone: +34 985 456545

Sender: Stefan Wagner [log in to unmask]
Subject: Funded PhD position

Funded PhD position: Exact Tracing of Evolutionary Search Trajectories
in Complex Hypothesis Spaces

The Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory
( at the Upper Austria University of
Applied Sciences (Austria) offers a funded PhD position within the
scope of the International PhD program in Informatics Hagenberg. The
group conducts scientific research in the field of metaheuristics for
solving business, engineering, and biomedical problems.

The focus of the PhD research project should be to gain a better
understanding of the evolutionary process by analyzing the search
trajectories of genetic programming (GP) algorithms in different
hypothesis spaces for academic as well as real-world data mining
applications. Recent algorithmic achievements like offspring selection
in combination with linear scaling have enabled GP to achieve high
quality results in system identification in less than 50 generations
using populations with only several hundred individuals. Therefore the
active gene pool of evolutionary search remains manageable and may be
subjected to new theoretical investigations closely related to genetic
programming schema theories, building block hypotheses and bloat

We are seeking highly motivated and creative students with a master
degree in Mathematics/Informatics or a related technical field. Prior
knowledge about heuristic optimization and machine learning and
programming experience with C# is a plus. Applications (including your
CV, degree certificates, list of publications etc.) and informal
queries about the lab and research projects should be addressed to Dr.
Michael Affenzeller ([log in to unmask], phone +43
(0)7236 3888-2031).

Further details about the PhD program can be found on

A longer, printable description of the PhD position as PDF document is
also available at

Application Deadline: July 15th, 2011.

Sender: w langdon [log in to unmask]
Subject: CEC 2011 bibtex

A complete list of the papers presented at the recent IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation is now available via ftp and via

Sender: Roberto Moran [log in to unmask]


CajAstur and the Foundation for the Advancement of Soft Computing,
through the European Centre for Soft Computing, announce the Fifth
edition of their International Prize for Soft Computing. From 2010,
the prize took the name "Mamdani Prize", to honour Prof. Ebrahim
Mamdani (who passed away in January 2010), one of the significant
members of its Jury in the three initial editions.

distinguish a person or group of persons for the realization of a
relevant scientific or industrial application, meaning an original
contribution in the area of Soft Computing.

The contribution (realized by a person or group) can be related to
Theory or Actual Applications of Soft Computing and should not be more
than ten years old.

The Prize consists of 20,000.00 euros and an Award Certificate.

The prize winner (or the representative in case of a group) will be
invited to travel to Oviedo (Spain) to personally receive the Award.
The prize winner commits herself/himself to attend the awarding
ceremony, to deliver a specialized talk at the European Centre for
Soft Computing as well as a talk open to the general public in

The Jury of the prize will be the Scientific Committee of the
Foundation for the Advancement of Soft Computing.

Deadline for submitting applications for the 2011 Prize is July 12th 2011.

For additional information visit the web page of the European Centre
for Soft Computing

Sender: Mario Pavone [log in to unmask]
Subject: CFP: Optimization on Complex Systems - SI in Memetic Computing

                      ====== Call for Papers ======
                      **apologies for cross-posting**


                    special issue on MEMETIC COMPUTING

* Scope and aims

Many problems in all the traditional research areas, such as science,
engineering, physics, biology, and medicine are often hard to solve,
mainly due to the difficulty in understanding their indirect causes
and effects, which are not related in an obvious way. Therefore,
studying how a system interacts with the environment, or how simple
components give rise to the global collective behavior of the system,
or even how parts of a system interact with each other, is nowadays
one of the most challenging and interesting research areas in every
discipline because of its utmost relevance.

In the field of complex systems there currently exist several
sophisticated tools that can help us to study the systems in an
in-depth manner, through analytical models, and from a computational
point of view, describing their model and the way it is simulated.

This special issue aims to bring together researchers and
practitioners working in the field of complex systems, particularly in
regards to the development of new analytical models and novel
applications, as well as on the design of new nature-inspired
optimization algorithms.

Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers on any
topics related to complex systems.

* Important dates

Manuscript submission:                          July 8, 2011.
Notification of acceptance/revisions/rejection: September 8, 2011.
Revised manuscript submission:                  November 8, 2011.
Notification final decision:                    December 8, 2011.
Final manuscript submission:                    January 8, 2012.

* Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Memetic
Computing editorial manager at
All submitted papers will undergo a blind peer-review process. The
authors should select the article type "SI: Optimization on Complex
Systems" while submitting their paper for this special issue.
For detailed submission information, please refer to ?Instructions for
Authors? at

Sender: Computational Science [log in to unmask]
Subject: Call For Participation: WORLDCOMP 2011 Congress

                     Call For Participation

            The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science,
            Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing

                 July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas, USA


This is an invitation to attend WORLDCOMP'11 Congress. WORLDCOMP'11 is
composed of 22 main tracks (12 tutorials, 167 sessions and workshops,
37 keynotes/invited lectures/panel discussions, ...); all will be held
simultaneously, same location and dates: July 18-21, 2011. Attendees will
have full access to all conferences' sessions, tracks, and tutorials.
Registration is required to attend. We anticipate about 2,000 attendees
(62% from academia; 26% from industry; 9% from government agencies; and
3% unknown - about half of the attendees are from outside USA).
See below for:

We look forward to seeing you in July.

Steering Committee, WORLDCOMP 2011

A. General Information:

B. Topical Scope:

   Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP); Computer Design (CDES);
   Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (CGVR); Scientific Computing (CSC);
   Data Mining (DMIN); e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems,
   and e-Government (EEE); Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems & Algorithms
   (ERSA); Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA); Foundations of Computer
   Science (FCS); Frontiers in Education in Computer Science & Computer
   Engineering (FECS); Grid Computing and Applications (GCA); Genetic and
   Evolutionary Methods (GEM); Artificial Intelligence (ICAI); Internet
   Computing (ICOMP); Wireless Networks (ICWN); Information and Knowledge
   Engineering (IKE); Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition
   (IPCV); Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV); Parallel and
   Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA); Security and
   Management (SAM); Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP); and
   Semantic Web & Web Services (SWWS). Code XT: 28683

C. Registration Information:

D. Financial Assistantship for full-Time Students:

   The congress has finalized the financial assistantship decisions for students
   who are affiliated with non-USA institutions (decisions were communicated
   with the awardees in March and May 2011). Unfortunately, 34 of the awardees
   are not able to secure USA visa in a timely manner to attend the meeting. The
   congress is now providing these 34 slots to full-time graduate students who
   are enrolled in USA institutions. This financial assistantship is for
   attendance only (ie, excludes speakers and authors of papers). Sponsored
   students will receive the complete conference package (printed
   CD, dinner reception, 4 breakfasts, 12 refreshments, access to all tracks and
   tutorials, ...), registration fee waiver, partial help with hotel
   and/or possibly some help with airfare. In order to apply, send the following
   information for consideration to [log in to unmask] as soon as possible
   (include as attachments in pdf only): a 2-page CV; a letter from your major
   professor or Department Head/Chair stating that you are a full-time graduate
   student in good standing; and a break-down of your itemized costs (airfare,
   hotel, ...). In the Subject Header of your email write "student sponsorship".
   Award decisions will be finalized by June 30, 2011 (so there is not
much time).

E. List of Co-Sponsors of WORLDCOMP 2011:
   Appears on the right-most column of Home Page below:

F. Detailed Congress Schedules/Programs:

G. Location of WORLDCOMP:

H. Planned Tutorials and Featured Keynotes:

I. Members of Steering Committee:
   (The list of program committee of individual tracks of WORLDCOMP
   appears at each track's web site.)

Sender: Per Kristian Lehre [log in to unmask]
Subject: Call for Participation: ThRaSH'2011

Call for Participation

5th Workshop on Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics (ThRaSH'2011).
July 8-9, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark


Randomized search heuristics such as stochastic gradient methods,
simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms, stochastic neural
networks for optimization, ant colony and swarm optimization, and the
cross-entropy method are frequently used across many scientific
communities. They have been successfully applied in various domains,
both for combinatorial and numerical optimization.  Despite their
success in practice, proving that such algorithms satisfy certain
performance guarantees is still a difficult and widely open problem.

The mission of the ThRaSH workshop series is to contribute to the
theoretical understanding of randomized search heuristics, in
particular of their computational complexity. The aim is to stimulate
interactions within the research field and between people from
different disciplines working on randomized algorithms. The primary
focus is on discussing recent ideas and detecting challenging topics
for future work, rather than on the presentation of final results.

Keynote speech

The Power of Tabulation Hashing
-  Mikkel Thorup, AT&T Labs


Two introductory tutorials will be given by experts in the field:

Theory of randomised search heuristics for continuous optimisation
- Jens Jaegerskuepper, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Theory of randomised search heuristics for discrete optimisation
- Dirk Sudholt, University of Birmingham

PhD School

The workshop has been approved as a PhD course by the Copenhagen
University eScience Research School, and by the Technical University
of Denmark. Students may be accredited with 2 ECTS units for
participation and a written essay.


Registration is free. The registration covers refreshments at the
workshop. For registration details, please see the workshop website:

Important dates

- Registration:  June 24th 2011
- Workshop:      July 8-9  2011

Sender: Francisco Chávez de la O [log in to unmask]
Subject: CFP 4th Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms


Fourth Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms
(WPABA 2011)

To be held in conjunction with The Twentieth International Conference
on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) Galveston
Island, Texas, USA, October 10-14, 2011.

Accepted papers will be published in separated proceedings handed out
during the workshop.
Extended version of selected papers will be published in a special
2009 Impact Factor 1.004).


Knowledge fields like Parallel Computer Architectures, Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Bioinspired Algorithms, many different in a
first approach, are able to find transversal elements that enrich
them. Therefore, the aim of this fourth workshop is to support any
proposal that traverses these fields. Bioinspired Algorithms comprise
a set of heuristics that can help to optimize a wide range of
problems. Among them, many tasks that parallel architecture designers
develop may be optimized. In addition, Bioinspired Algorithms may help
finding solutions regarding compilation and resource sharing issues,
which are interesting problems for parallel architectures. Parallel
architecture designers may also propose infrastructures that allow the
increase of computing performance of Bioinspired Algorithms, which
usually face real-world problems that manage huge amounts of data.
Alternatives to the classical sequential solution are needed by this

The topics include, but are not limited to:

 *  Evolutionary Algorithms for Parallel Computer Architectures optimization.
 *  Computer Architecture optimizations using other biologically
inspired algorithms: Ant Colonies, Immune Systems, Artificial Life,
Cultural Algorithms, etc…
 *  Cluster and Grid Deployment of Bioinspired Algorithms.
 *  Desktop Grids infrastructures for supporting Bioinspired Algorithms.
 *  Large Scale Parallel Processing.
 *  Heterogeneous Computing Platforms for Bioinspired Algorithms.
 *  Improvement on scheduling techniques by means of Bioinspired Algorithms.
 *  Fault tolerant implementations of PEAs.
 *  Performance evaluation of PEAs.
 *  Improvement in system performance through optimization and tuning.
 *  Parallel Reconfigurable Architectures for Bioinspired Algorithms.
 *  Graphics processing units and Evolutionary Algorithms.
 *  Profiting from Cloud infrastructure when running Bioinspired Algorithms.

As in past editions of the workshop, papers will be double blinded
reviewed by an international scientific committee.

Important dates

 *  Paper Submission: July 31st
 *  Decision Notifications: September 10th
 *  Camera-Ready Submission: September 17th
 *  Conference Dates: October 10th-14th

More information at the WPABA 2011 website:

Sender: Federico Divina [log in to unmask]
Subject: CFP EC track - ACM SAC 2012

27th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing
March 25-29, 2012
Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy

For the past twenty-six years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists,
computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers
from around the world. SAC 2012 is sponsored by the ACM Special
Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is hosted by The
Microsoft Research - University of Trento, Centre for Computational
and Systems Biology, Trento, Italy.

The Evolutionary Computation (EC) track welcomes original, unpublished
papers describing advances in and applications of evolutionary
computation and related techniques, including genetic algorithms,
evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, memetic algorithms,
genetic programming, ant colony optimization, co-evolutionary
algorithms, artificial immune systems, particle swarm optimization,
and classifier systems. All accepted papers will appear in the SAC
2012 Proceedings. Selected papers, not accepted as full papers, will
be accepted as poster papers. These will be presented at a poster
session during the Symposium and will be published as two-page
extended abstracts in the Proceedings.
Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will blindly review
submissions to that track. Accepted papers will be published in the
annual conference proceedings. Submission guidelines can be found on
SAC 2012 Website (
A paper may be submitted to only one track of SAC 2012.

* Papers should represent original and previously unpublished works
that are currently not under review for any journal or other
conference. Both basic and applied research papers are welcome.
* Submissions will be in electronic format via this web site:
* Submission must follow ths template found at this URL:
* Authors are allowed up to eight (8) pages in the specified format,
but there is a charge of US$80 for each page over six (6).
* Authors' names and addresses must not appear in the body of the
submitted papers, and self-references should be in the third person.
This is to facilitate blind review.
* Begin the submission process by submitting your paper's abstract on
the conference web site at the URL above.
* All submitted papers must include the paper identification number
(assigned when the abstract is submitted) on the front page above the
title of the paper.
* No author's name may appear on more than two papers accepted to the EC track.

Note also the guidelines in the general SAC 2012 Call for Papers

IMPORTANT DATES (all deadlines will be strictly enforced)
Aug 31, 2011: Paper Submission
Sept 31, 2011: Tutorial Proposals
Oct 12, 2011: Author Notification
Nov 2, 2011: Camera-ready copies

For additional information, visit the SAC 2012 EC Track web page
( and the general SAC 2012 web page

Sender: Pietro S Oliveto [log in to unmask]
Subject: CFP: Special Issue of J. of Comp. Sci. and Tech. (JCST) on Evo. Comp.


Special Issue of
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) on Evolutionary Computation


Evolutionary computation is now an established research field at the
intersection among artificial intelligence, computer science and
operations research. Not only has it grown hugely in its breadth, it
has also developed substantial depth in its theoretical foundations,
especially in the computational time complexity analysis of randomised
(meta-)heuristics. Such enormous growth of evolutionary computation
has seen numerous specialised journals and conferences in evolutionary
computation emerging in the last decade or so. Some of the journals in
evolutionary computatio have been consistent ranked among the top few
in artificial intelligence and computer science. For example, the two
year impact factor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
was 4.589 in 2009, which placed it the 2nd among 130 "Computer
Science, Artificial Intelligence" journals, the 3rd among 91 "Computer
Science, Theory & Methods" journals, and the 4th among all 426
Computer Science journals. According to the 5 year impact factor
(7.621), IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation was ranked the
2nd, 2nd and 4th, respectively, in the above categories. However, one
of the potential risks of having such specialised journals and
conferenes might be the weakening of important communications and
interactions between evolutionary computation and other fields in
computer science and technology (CST) in general. This special issue,
which is organised in a generic CST journal, will try to encourage and
promote closer interactions and cross-fertilisation between
evolutionary computation and other areas in CST.

Aims and Scopes

The primary aim of this special issue is to publish the very best
papers in evolutionary computation that define the state-of-the-art.
Both theoretical and application papers are welcome. For theoretical
papers, we are looking for major adavances in any aspects related to
the foundations of evolutionary computation. For application paper, we
are looking for innovative and non-trivial applications of
evolutionary computation.

All areas and topics related to evolutionary computation will be
considered, including but not limited to evolutionary optimisation,
evolutionary learning, swarm intelligence, adaptive behaviours,
collective intelligence, artificial immune systems, multi-objective
optimisation and learning, constraint handling, etc.

Important Dates

Submission:             31 August 2011
First revision:         31 October 2011
Second revision:        31 December 2011
Final decision:         31 January 2012
Publication:            second half of 2012

Although we have planned to have three rounds of rigorous reviews,
papers may be rejected at any round. Rejected paper cannot be
re-submitted to the special issue.

Submission Procedures

All submissions must be done electronically through JCST's
e-submission system at, with a
Manuscript Type: "Special Issue on Evolutionary Computation."

Sender: K.E. Parsopoulos [log in to unmask]
Subject: JECE: Special issue on "Nature-Inspired Opt. in Com. and Signal Proc."

Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Special issue on
"Nature-Inspired Optimization in Communications and Signal Processing"

Call for Papers

Nature-inspired optimization algorithms have attracted a lot of
attention over the last decades. They are well-established methods in
various research fields, because they can efficiently solve hard
scientific and engineering problems. These algorithms require only
minor information about the underlying models (objective functions).
Today there are a number of established algorithms that exhibit a
plethora of applications in almost all major engineering fields.
Genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, evolutionary algorithms, ant
colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, and differential
evolution are some of the most important methods, counting a huge
number of research works. Communications constitute a research area
where nature-inspired algorithms have offered significant
contributions. Specialized variants of the algorithms have been used
for hardware design, data transmission, network design, routing,
scheduling, and resource allocation, offering solutions with
significant economic and social impact. Signal processing is another
field where nature-inspired algorithms have exhibited promising
results. Image processing, speech processing and recognition, adaptive
filtering, wavelet optimization, and software synthesis are some of
the problems tackled through nature-inspired optimization algorithms,
alone or in combination with other popular computational intelligence

The present special issue is devoted to recent developments (both
theoretical and applications) of nature-inspired optimization
algorithms in any aspect of communications and signal processing.
Original high-quality papers are solicited on the application of
nature-inspired optimization algorithms. Potential topics include, but
are not limited to:

    * Genetic algorithms
    * Genetic programming
    * Evolution strategies
    * Evolutionary algorithms
    * Evolutionary programming
    * Ant colony optimization
    * Particle swarm optimization
    * Differential evolution
    * Bee colony optimization
    * Bacterial foraging optimization
    * Artificial immune systems
    * Memetic algorithms
    * Cooperative/coevolutionary algorithms
    * DNA computing
    * Hybrid methods
    * Neural networks

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's
Author Guidelines, which are located at Prospective authors
should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through
the journal Manuscript Tracking System at
according to the following timetable:

Manuscript Due:              August 1, 2011
First Round of Reviews:   November 1, 2011
Publication Date:             February 1, 2012



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 End of Evolutionary Computation Digest