November 2022


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Koushik Sura Bhaskar <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 30 Nov 2022 11:00:15 +0000

This report was automatically generated from the DNSSEC deployment status
database maintained by the Center For Assurance Research and Engineering at George Mason University based
on data and programs developed by Shinkuro, Inc. It is sent to you 
as a member of the DNSSEC-DEPLOYMENT-MAPS-L email list.

The maps below cover DNSSEC adoption in ccTLDs in the world and the
ICANN regions for today and one year ago. They include both factual, observed 
data and predictions based on news announcements and other information.

The legend for the maps is as follows:

  Experimental - Internal experimentation announced or observed
  Announced - Public commitment to deploy
  Partial - Zone is signed but not in operation (no DS in root)
  DS in Root - Zone is signed and its DS has been published
  Operational - Accepting signed delegations and DS in root
  DS Automation - Automation of Updates of DNSSEC keys.

Additionally, several CSV files are included.  They represent:

* Today's DNSSEC status and properties for all the TLDs, including
    both ccTLDs and generic TLDs (gTLDs)
* A list of TLDS with a status of either DS in Root or Operational
* Predictions that have passed without a confirmation

NOTE: The CSV files include the DNSSEC status of generic TLDs (gTLDs) including 
the current rounds of "new gTLDs" being rapidly released.

Updates and corrections are welcome.  Please send them to [log in to unmask]

Versions of these maps may be found at:

You are free to use these maps in any presentations, websites or other 
materials subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 
Unported License. See: https://u29575897.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=qG9hmmq0c67ER2ha7MY5kb-2Fyb4rNzsE8CFB5hrXxOkiIehAVOYTk8Yo-2FFF4mCbPPB3bXF8-2B9apuytufIXQsqXQCwnULiA-2FiWt7shVW2BNPI-3DeG47_6-2B9k4aqsYCDB1h4LcTrvwhH7dqSwTwqZo5pYphmrWCsPet0XaNlw8Aue6xWjAnzo-2Bim-2B8lNSv-2FMyZnF4IeWzZDdV3PQ3xIIHH1K7GLr48sSVQ9bChEIX6c5jIfV9syvnUhZeMSPmXMeMR9KeHHcoK1kKcs-2FtZPnK7WGbxbADBGHaLhg7ptcPS7IBIi06cPC8a1o-2BgJgdo94-2FFVrZexK7FboWFCp2iQnvpLdFpbNMabY-2FQWFwt2ml-2FQznxiSe-2Fo8g
(Rough translation: you need to credit us and you cannot sell the maps.) 

The boundaries and names shown on this site do not imply the expression
of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Internet Society concerning 
the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities. 
Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for 
which there may not yet be full agreement.

For more information about DNSSEC, please see: