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February 2015


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Achim Loch <[log in to unmask]>
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Achim Loch <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Feb 2015 19:27:44 +0000
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An exotic location, still within Europe

Choose Sweden

Further your academic career while spending a semester abroad on direct exchange program - the most economical option to study abroad for in-state students; out-of-state students:
Check out internships<> and direct enrollment semesters<>!

Linnaeus University offers on-campus castles (as well as other, more modern, facilities), a diverse student body, and a wide variety of activities for international students. Choose between the campus a city campus in Kalmar and an American-style campus in Vaxjo. Kalmar is a quirky town on the Baltic Sea, full of opportunities and charm; Vaxjo is a green, vibrant town in the heart of Sweden. Either way, you'll enjoy a unique experience and get to put one of the Sweden's top universities on your resume.

Sweden may be one of the most fascinating places to study Political Science and International Relations. Linnaeus University, one of Sweden's most international and innovative universities, offers various courses in these disciplines, as well as a fun and dynamic student environment. You will not be bored, and the classes will transfer right back to benefit your academic career.


  *   Pay Mason tuition to Mason on PatriotWeb
  *   Pay room and board abroad
  *   International airfare, passport and visa fees, and personal expenses are not included.

International Internship Programs<>

Options for SPGIA<>

Combine your study abroad experience with an internship to gain twice the experience! Students work in their area of interest, learn about a new culture; travel; and, gain valuable professional development for their resume. The Mason internship programs include internships and credit across many majors.

Contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> for more information.

There’s still time to make the internship application deadline of February 27, 2015



George Mason University
Center for Global Education
Johnson Center, Room 235
4400 University Drive, MS 2B8
Fairfax, VA 22030

voice 703-993-2154
fax 703-993-2153
email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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