May 2024


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Amarda Shehu <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Amarda Shehu <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 May 2024 11:49:50 +0000

Please see below for more details on this opportunity.


Amarda Shehu, PhD

Professor of Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computing

Associate Dean for AI Innovation, College of Engineering and Computing
Director of Center of Excellence in Government Cybersecurity Risk Management and Resilience

Associate Vice President of Research for the Institute for Digital InnovAtion (IDIA)

George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MS 4A5, Fairfax, VA, 22030
Phone: 703-993-4135    Email: amarda/AT/gmu.edu   Research lab: cs.gmu.edu/~ashehu<http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~ashehu>
From: Paula Sorrell <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2024 9:13 PM
Subject: NIH funding opportunity, please forward

Dear Deans and Research Associates, a couple of months ago I gave notice that we would be announcing funding opportunities through the NIH, and that time has arrived.  Many faculty already working in translational research have received advance notice that this was coming through 1:1 meetings and presentations, but it would be great for them to receive encouragement from you. I’m copying all of you, as am not aware of all of the wonderful inter-disciplinary collaborations among your researchers.

Faculty can receive up to $50K for proof of concept and prototype development for technologies relating to human health.  Please feel free to forward the information below to your faculty and promising students. Mason operates this program for all of Virginia, so we’d like to see Mason researchers and students take advantage of this opportunity.

Faculty, staff, trainees, and students

are encouraged to apply for

Mid-South REACH Product Development Grants!


Cycle 1 Pre-application submissions are now open!

The Mid-South REACH<https://secure-web.cisco.com/15HmF1vAWycfi9K557OSemGK-7dgUynZjCviGuBbXRKyTW46rxTki3ro8fNpKMV1w7zczsxoLB-WJvdVWOOmSvMQ9NmuEsw0W1aWEfwyETEWaBwI9NKzqVUo4ziSkitPx31EZBOAJ7Cv2Lv6VsOcIfWpiM1E2V-KJL-Go466wgEEMRBtlXfohicMZDJZdGdwoxoE7VoedCMrM3oaMClZDIrjXppC2KUePyw1dVjdsFfdY2nIGp761sf1NbGpb1pdkf4LlifMeFyInH30cZoZJohiJCPLNMlD1SkzdBwYOnfhHDereIVk5JIXvoXcyp5TiW9Uf9RONhXqmnFix--1C3YuRtEDVEpFDf70ELXdaSupFqRDxX_UT93fB_XMZ5I9zLvPq8KPs2YrlPSYpwJWtH94cRDCleVJlk9t0B2YXvnQ/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.midsouthreach.org%2F> (Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub) program is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded program that extends across four states: Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia. The primary goal of this grant program is to accelerate the real-world impact of biomedical and health related innovations through education, mentorship, and financial support for aspiring entrepreneurs.  The Mid-South REACH program is not a traditional grant program. It is focused on product development and requires milestone-based project management in six-month increments, renewable up to four times.

Please see the attached Mid-South REACH Cycle 1 Request for Applications (RFA) and Pre-application Template, if you would like to start working on your pre-application draft now.  Please read and review the RFA in its entirety.

Pre-applications will be due May 24, 2024, by 5pm CT

Submission portal:


Questions? Need assistance with your pre-application?  Please reach out to [log in to unmask]

Paula Sorrell

Associate Vice President

Innovation & Economic Development

Mason Enterprise @ George Mason University


[log in to unmask]

cell:  810-869-5001

Mason EnterpriseTM is the host to federal, state, and local programs that support a portfolio of more than 30,000 start-ups and small businesses.  Last year our companies received over $3.7 Billion in follow-on funding, and more than 40,000 entrepreneurs, small business owners, students, and research faculty attended our 900+ workshops and educational programs, received individual counseling, were assisted with product development, resided in one of our five incubators, or received intellectual property advice. 62% were women, 42% minority, and 16% veteran-owned businesses.