November 2023


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Kimberly A Goodwin-Slater <[log in to unmask]>
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Kimberly A Goodwin-Slater <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:58:14 +0000
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CEC Faculty

While I know that this information has been previously communicated by OSP and the CEC Research Administration team I wanted to send out a final reminder since we are quickly approaching the key deadline.

Please be advised of the OSP Winter Break deadlines effective currently. Completed documents for proposals with submission deadlines between December 18-January 5 are due to your assigned proposal RA by Friday, December 8. Please note that OSP plans to submit all proposals on December 15 as the University will be closed December 18-January 2.

Normal internal deadlines resume for proposals due January 8, 2024 and later.

If you have not already initiated your request for proposal support for a proposal that is due before January 5th, we cannot guarantee that your proposal will be able to be supported based on the existing workload the research administrators are already handling.  If you have a proposal that falls into this category, please send an email to Dr. Art Pyster and myself with a justification as to why you would like us to consider approving you to start your submission now and how you would be able to meet the December 8th deadline for submission of final documents.

Please contact the RA assigned to your proposal, or Tiffany Washington, Pre-Award Team Lead, at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> for any additional concerns.

Thank you

Kim Goodwin-Slater
Chief Business Officer
College of Engineering and Computing
George Mason University