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March 2012


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Lenore Butcher Kuch <[log in to unmask]>
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Lenore Butcher Kuch <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Mar 2012 11:25:53 -0400
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Dear BIS Students:

You are invited to attend a panel discussion on the Occupy movement and 
its effect on politics.

This event is sponsored by the College of Humanities and Social 
Sciences' Interdisciplinary Curriculum Collaborative (ICC). The ICC 
includes the following academic units: Bachelor of Individualized 
Studies, Cultural Studies, the Higher Education Program, the Honors 
College, Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, New Century 
College, and Women and Gender Studies. The ICC promotes activities that 
showcase interdisciplinarity at Mason.

Panel Discussion: #Occupy and Politics*
What effects have the Occupy protests had on politics? How can 
organization for change occur outside established institutions? What is 
the next step for Occupy?
Join us for a participatory panel discussion in which we discuss these 
questions and more with individuals who have been close to the movement 
from the beginning.
Andrew Batcher - Occupy DC, DC Learning Collective
Emily Crockett - Campus Progress
John Duda, Democracy Collaborative
Mike Golash, Occupy DC
Marc Smith, Occupy DC and Occupy Wall Street
Where:* Research 163

*When:* Tuesday, April 10, 3:30-5 PM.

Light refreshments will be served.