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October 2021


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All BIS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Bachelor Of Individualized Study <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Oct 2021 20:12:06 +0000
multipart/mixed; boundary="_010_DM6PR05MB6378AB3D27E2CE18F0B2A2C1A7B19DM6PR05MB6378namp_"
Bachelor Of Individualized Study <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (2450 bytes) , text/html (10 kB) , image.png (10 kB) , image.png (10 kB) , image.png (10 kB) , image.png (10 kB) , image.png (10 kB) , Resume Call Marketing Blurb - GMU Focused Call September 2021 (122 kB)
Hello BIS Students:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruiter involved with George Mason University is interested in collecting and reviewing the resumes of students in a variety of fields. Regardless of your graduation date, major, or experience level, you are encouraged to submit a copy of your resume to be included for review.

The agency has numerous full-time positions open, as well as internships and scholarships for undergrads and grads alike. A flyer has been attached with more information and specifics regarding majors and fields of interest, but resumes will be accepted from currently enrolled students in any major or program.

The deadline for this submission is October 15th, 2021. For inclusion in the CIA resume book, follow the instructions exactly as how they are listed on the flyer attached to this email.

Please note: Submitting your resume for this Resume Book does not equate to applying for a position. You would still need to formally apply through the CIA website to be officially considered as an applicant.

Best regards,

Matthew Myers

Pronouns: he/him/his
Assistant Director, Industry Advising
George Mason University | University Career Services
SUB I, 3400 MSN 3B6
Fairfax VA 22030
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | 703-993-2370 |<>

Follow @masoncareer

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