Now Accepting Spring 2012 Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
The Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research
(OSCAR) is now accepting applications for the spring 2012 Undergraduate
Research Scholars Program (URSP), formerly known as the Undergraduate
Apprenticeship Program. The URSP provides the opportunity for
undergraduate students and their faculty mentors to engage in original
research or creative projects with one another. Accepted students are
given a stipend that enables them to undertake twelve hours of
research-related activities each week during the semester, in addition
to receiving travel priority for applications submitted to the
Undergraduate Student Travel Fund. A fund of $500 will also be
available to mentors to support the student's research project.
Students and their mentors are each required to submit an application to
the program, which can be found below. All application materials must
be received by Wednesday, November 30, to be considered for the Spring
2012 URSP.
Mentor application:
Student application:
For more information about the URSP, OSCAR, or the Students as Scholars
initiative, visit <> or email
your questions to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>.