Hi BIS Students: Spring Career Fair- in person!!! As of now all spring Career Fair activities will take place IN PERSON! We currently have 130 registered to participate!! Due to COVID-19 occupancy restrictions, students will need to sign up for a specific time slot IN ADVANCE to attend either day of the fair. ***Time slot registration opens on February 16 for both days!*** Monday, Feb 21: 1 pm, Prepare for the Fair Workshop (in SUB 1, Ste 3400) Monday, Feb 21: 11 am to 5 pm, Resume Clinic Day 1 (in SUB 1, Ste 3400) Tuesday, Feb 22: 1 pm to 7 pm, Resume Clinic Day 2 (in SUB 1, Ste 3400) Wednesday, Feb 23: 12 pm to 4 pm, Career Fair Day 1 ~ STEM Employers and others (in Dewberry Hall) Thursday, Feb 24: 12 pm to 4 pm, Career Fair Day 2 ~ Govt, law, non-profit, health employers and others (in Dewberry Hall) STUDENTS: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1W2UgWGUV_hVgX44qy9sOkirc3pK0JUj6JoDIp9BOQTYa2fOFbOgDZojTvXeqSWRZ7p6SJrD1KMt_WS3Q__EhfiyJ00FlWHXKNz7BJhAm3Vs48NvzbrCcNROYXtsBZfhJot4OctIp0mb-d_70qwIHJwhAW7kXm808i_HAEaCm_miOGgSQD--SJ-BcKLJHpMOE0rs7tBI4PEYq0o9s3FcLCr4PpLPOrx6er3Z7zmyGs2m4-E_IV_oCKZnOCoE0AeXVvlTorLE5l4ZhCOz7zFTXsGyIlvKgT4r3_WQB-FG_CgufW9PhYfx3eu8YSocFNEv6vIqlYmws_7DYUI6PokSfNZX4cw5nx6d3mE6JfRaaoag6EnrRPDI56GsnGCFKYVSEcMdKPgSpHqojn5NKkyFoIg9jErCbglzdBKDE8gX-6Y2uK80X3GEEfb4NDy9Zg_qH/https%3A%2F%2Fgmu.joinhandshake.com%2Fcareer_fairs%2F28753%2Fstudent_preview%3Ftoken%3D4fSBVf7GeQgfPlb_jlhnN_pyqtg7bzQEEkdfDDrLwcB8XgVqWNiGQQ VIEW EMPLOYERS without a Handshake login: From the link above, click on “All Employers” right next to the “Details” button Direct any questions to University Career Services at careers.gmu.edu Hope to see you there, University Career Services Careers.GMU.EDU