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May 2011


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Mark Sistek <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 May 2011 14:39:14 -0400
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Mark Sistek <[log in to unmask]>
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1. It's here! Time for Career Launch!
2. Full-time jobs, summer positions & PAID internships
3. Find an international job!
4. Where are you going?

1. It's here! Time for Career Launch!
Attend part or all of this workshop day to get a start on your job hunt!

Career Launch
Thursday, May 26
Research I, Room 163

Resume & Cover Letter Writing 9:15 - 10:45 a.m.
Job Search Strategies in a Tight Market 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Networking Skills & Practice 12:30 - 1:15 p.m.
Behavioral Interviewing 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Salary Negotiation 3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
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2. Full-time jobs, summer positions & PAID internships
Apply for these and other positions in HireMason:


Statistical Analyst
Portfolio Recovery Associates

Executive Assistant
Northern Virginia Tempories

Inside Sales Media Consultant


Jr. Database Admin
Engility Corp.

Human Resource Assistant
Office Team

Speech Recognition Research Assistant
The National Captioning Institute


Assistant to Account Executive
Public Interests Communications

Public Relations/Marketing Intern
The Wedding Dance Specialists

TIBCO Software Engineering Internship
TIBCO Software Inc.
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3. Want to work for an international organization in the U.S. or outside the

Check out Going Global, a database containing 31 country guides, corporate
profiles and more than 600,000 worldwide internship and job openings. To
access Going Global, log in to HireMason and select Going Global under "Jump
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4. Where are you going? We want to know!

Graduating students, watch for the Mason Career Census.

What is it?
An online survey about your post-graduate plans including your plans for
employment and graduate school

Why should I take it?

    * To increase the value of your degree and the reputation of your school
    * It only takes a few minutes.
    * It's confidential.

When will I receive it?
The survey was sent to your Mason email account on May 4.

Who can answer my questions about the survey, my job search or grad school?
Career Services! Call or email us!
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Career Services ... Connecting to Your Future

SUB I, Room 3400     703-993-2370

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, log in to your HireMason account,
select PROFILE then select PRIVACY. From there you will be able to remove or
add yourself from Career Services mailings.

Tory Bustard
Associate Director
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
University Career Services, MSN 3B6
E-mail: [log in to unmask]   Phone: 703-993-3738/2370	
Please note that e-mail is not a confidential form of communication. 
If you are receiving this message in error, please let me know. 
If you are seeking career counseling services, please contact our office at
(703) 993-2370. Thank you.

Although University Career Services reviews advertised positions, we cannot
guarantee that every advertised position is legitimate or appropriate for
you.  You are responsible to determine whether a potential job matches your
skills and interests, and if a potential job is legitimate.