September 2010


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"Diane St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:03:53 -0400
text/plain (3351 bytes) , text/html (16 kB) , SMART_brochure_2011.pdf (2 MB)
Students -
Please take a moment to look over this scholarship program. The brochure 
is attached, and the website with contact info is listed at the end.  
This scholarship is open to U.S. citizens only.

"I write to make you aware of a tremendous scholarship-for-service 
opportunity for U.S. graduate and undergraduate students and to request 
that you encourage your best students to apply to the SMART Scholarship 
Program.  This is a highly-selective, prestigious, national program that 
fully supports their education, including full tuition and a very 
generous stipend while they are in school.


The Science, Mathematics, And Research for Transformation (SMART) 
scholarship-for-service Program fully funds undergraduate and graduate 
degrees in a wide range of technical areas, including all fields of 
Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 
and Mathematics.   


A SMART brochure is attached and the application web page is at  The application deadline is December 2010 for the 
2011 school year.  SMART provides:


·         Full Tuition -- to any accredited U.S. University

·         A very generous stipend while in school

-          $25,000 for undergraduates

-          $33,000 for masters candidates

-          $33,000 to $41,800 for doctoral candidates

·         Book allowance -- $1,000

·         Health Insurance 

·         Paid Summer internships

·         All required student fees

·         Travel fees for internships 


Summer internships at the facility/laboratory are required.  In return 
for fully funding their education, students are required work as a 
civilian employee at a Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) or DoD Agency 
(NSA, DIA, DARPA, etc.) laboratory, or similar activity, for a period 
equal to the time the program paid for their school.  Students must be 
U.S. Citizens, able to obtain a DoD Security Clearance, and be willing 
to work in a defense facility/laboratory upon graduation. 


There will be approximately 300 new awards this year.  A list of SMART 
fellows from previous years is listed by University at: 

Please direct your interested students to: 
<>.  There are links to the application portal 
and other program related information.  Additional applicant and SMART 
related questions can be answered via:

            Email:  [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

            Phone:  (202) 331-3544


Thank you for your consideration in this matter.  If you have any 
individual questions or questions at the university/department level, 
please feel free to contact me at any time.  






DoD Executive Agent for SMART


Knox T. Millsaps, Sc.D.                                        

Professor and Chairman                                 

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

700 Dyer Road, Room 338                                               

Naval Postgraduate School                                              

Monterey, CA 93943-5100 USA                             <>                                

Phone: (831) 656-2586, 656-3382         

Fax: (831) 656-2238                       

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