-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute 2011_Application
Deadline_April 1, 2011
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 10:54:21 -0400
From: Calderon-Colon, Xiomara <[log in to unmask]>
To whom may it concern:
I would like to ask for help to advertise the Pan-American Advanced
Studies Institute (PASI 2011) in Scalable, Functional Nanomaterials.
The primary stated goal of the PASI program is to have a broad impact
on research throughout the Americas. PASI meets those aspirations by
drawing from a diverse participant pool. The chosen lecture topics
will provide a genuine educational experience for the participating
students, while the opportunity to meet and interact socially with
researchers from a variety of fields will help to foster productive
research collaborations. This is a good opportunity for *graduate
level, post-doctoral, and early-career scientists. Please forward this
information to whom you may think will take benefit of this great
*Overview*: The 10 day PASI program will consist of two sessions, each
to be held at a separate location. From August 4th to 6th the PASI will
be hosted by the National Center for High Technology (CeNAT) in the
capital of San Jose, Costa Rica. The PASI will then relocate to Punta
Leona along the picturesque Pacific Coast of Costa Rica from August 7th
to 12th (see online *Accommodations *page for details). After the
conclusion of the PASI, a return to San Jose on August 13th/14th is
scheduled to facilitate departures.
*Who can apply: *Graduate level, post-doctoral, and early-career
scientists are encouraged to apply. Instructions and requirements can be
found online at
http://www.jhuapl.edu/aboutapl/organization/MERC/pasi/Home.htm. The
application deadline is April 1, 2011. Applicants will be accepted based
on the relevance of their research in relation to the PASI theme, as
well as the strength of the recommendation letter. Students attending
the PASI will be *supported *(airfare, lodging, most meals) through
funds made available by the National Science Foundation.
*About the PASI: *There will be three types of organized scientific
activities at the PASI, along with additional time for informal social
interaction and scientific discussion. The main element of the PASI will
be lectures given by the invited speakers. The lectures will focus on
two main areas: scalable, bottom-up fabrication techniques to produce
advanced nanomaterials and nanostructures, and the potential
applications for such structures. There will also be student poster
sessions in which the students present their own research. Finally,
there will be planned hand-on instructional demonstrations relating to
topics presented in the lectures.
Thank you so much,
PASI Organizing Committee
Website: http://www.jhuapl.edu/aboutapl/organization/MERC/pasi/Home.htm
Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
* *
* *
*Xiomara Calderón-Colón Ph.D.*
The John's Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Milton S. Eisenhower Research Department
Aerospace and Materials Science Group
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Mail Stop 21-N109
Laurel, MD, 20723
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