This summer, the Krasnow Institute will be hosting a weekly seminar series "Translational Research in Action." Dr. Lipsky would open the series June 16th, 2011, at 11 am (timing for the following
weeks TBD). If you would like to be included on the mailing list,
please RSVP to [log in to unmask]
The seminar objectives are:
1. to elucidate the path of scientific discovery to
implementation in a clinical setting
2. to facilitate exchange of ideas for translational research
collaborations at GMU
Invited speakers will come from the fields of basic research,
clinical research or biomedical device development. The format
will include a scientific core (graduate level and above), an
implementation case study (or proposed biomedical/behavioral
relevance) and discussion.
The details/schedule will be posted on:>
Julia Berzhanskaya
Research Assistant Professor
Krasnow Institute
George Mason University
4400 University Blvd, MS 2A1
Fairfax, VA, 22030
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