January 2010


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"Diane St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:46:31 -0500
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*Welcome new and returning students! 
*Some items of interest -- *

Phishing Attack Warning from ITU*
This past week, a new phishing attack circulated through the Mason 
community with the subject line of Gmu Warning Alert. This email 
attempted to collect Mason user names and passwords. Disguised as a spam 
upgrade notification from Gmu Mail Administrator, this email threatened 
Gmu email account expiration in one week if no response. *It is Mason's 
policy to never request personal, financial or sensitive information 
through email, and any such request should be viewed as a warning sign 
for fraud. Do not reply or click on any links in such emails...simply 
delete them.*  Phishing attacks routinely target only a small number 
(200 or less) of the Mason population, bypassing the strong 
anti-phishing firewall and security shield measures in place (Mason 
blocks over 99% of the malicious email traffic received).
Staying safe and secure is as easy as 1 2 3:
(1) Always question unsolicited emails;
(2) Never provide personal/financial/sensitive information in response 
to an email; and
(3) Refrain from clicking on embedded links in emails.

*Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA)*
The new graduate student space is open in Science & Tech II Rooms 100 
and 100B. Room 100 is designed as an informal lounge for meetings, 
studying and group studying, while Room 100B is designed for quiet 
study. Come and check out the new space any time.  There will be a Grand 
Opening get-together in the lounge on Monday, January 25^th from 5-8pm 
-- refreshments will be provided. The Grand Opening will also present 
graduate students with the opportunity to name the space. A name will be 
chosen at the first GAPSA meeting in February and the person who's space 
name we choose will win a prize (prize to be determined this Wednesday). 
 See the attached flyer for more details. 
<javascript:main.compose('new',[log in to unmask])> ~ David Arditi, 
President of GAPSA, [log in to unmask]
English Vocabulary and Conversation Workshops*
January 27, 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm
Location:  Occoquan Bldg., Room 110L
All non-native speakers of English on the Prince William Campus are 
invited to attend the English Language Institute's Vocabulary and 
Conversation Workshops every Wednesday. These free workshops begin 
January 27; no registration is required.
Melissa Allen, (703) 993-3642, [log in to unmask]

<javascript:main.compose('new',[log in to unmask])>*Have an announcement 
*or an upcoming event that you would like to send to MMB Dept. graduate 
students ?
Please email [log in to unmask]

<javascript:main.compose('new',[log in to unmask])>