January 2010


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"Diane St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
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Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:57:26 -0500
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Dear Students,
Dr. Aybike Birerdinc at Inova Hospital, previous graduate of Mason's PhD Biosciences program, is offering the following 1-credit directed studies course (BIOL 693) along with Dr. Ancha Baranova this spring term.  It will meet several times for lecture and also during the week of spring break for lab.  If you would like to register for it, please send me an email.  You can add to your spring schedule until February 2.

Diane St. Germain
Coordinator, Biology and Biosciences
Graduate Academic Programs
*Molecular and Microbiology Dept.*
*George** Mason University*
*Phone*(703) 993-4263, *Fax* (703) 993-8976

*Spring 2010 BIOL 693 Directed Studies:  "Chemiluminescent assay 

*Instructors: Aybike Birerdinc, Ancha Baranova*

This 2-week course will focus on various cell based assay techniques 
using chemiluminescent detection systems to determine cellular 
functions. It will include some theoretical part (lecture) and cell 
assay (practical) part. Students will meet in Dr. Baranova's Discovery 
Hall laboratory.  One week will be during Spring Break, March 8-12.  
This course would be an excellent addition to your molecular laboratory 

The primary goal will be to educate students on the properties of 
chemiluminescent assays as they differ from fluorometric assays. BrdU 
will be used for the measurement of the proliferation, caspase detection 
for the apoptosis. Students will be responsible for performing all 
chemiluminescent assays and will need to maintain their cells for the 
duration of these experiments. All subsequent data analysis will be 
performed by the students.

Each student will be responsible for submitting a written report 
summarizing their experiments to include: Introduction, methods, 
results, and a special troubleshooting section. Students are expected to 
learn the properties and limitations of each cell based assay and should 
be able to explain their results regardless of the outcome.

The final grade is based on mastery of the technique and the written 

