August 2015


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"Diane St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
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Diane St. Germain
Tue, 25 Aug 2015 15:42:53 +0000
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From Dr. Ancha Baranova:

Dear students,

We are offering a 2-credit lecture / lab course this Fall term, BIOL 678 "Cell-Based Assays".  This particular course offering will meet the "lab techniques" requirement for Master's students in the Molecular and Systematic / Evolutionary concentrations.  It would also benefit those students who would like to have hands-on lab experience. Important: this class is NOT offered every semester.

The schedule that shows this class is a bit confusing. This is due to peculiarities of Patriot Web.

It is ENTIRE class that counts for 2 credits. The class consists of 3 lectures all be done in September, on Wednesday September 2nd, September 9th and September 16th (schedule say that class meets 04:30 pm-07:10 pm, but we will start at about 5:10 pm - to accommodate my driving form another class, that I am teaching in Fairfax on the same day, before this class). The class will also have a webinar component, also done in September. On September 23rd, we will have an EXAM. With that, lecture part will be over.

Lab schedule will be one full week, - that is the week that is free for these who do TAs in Fairfax campus - the exact days of the lab will be clarified in a week or so.  Hence, those who have full-time jobs will be able to arrange for the week off.  For now, I can for sure say that this week will be in October.

After that, class meets for ONE MORE TIME, in November, to fill the lab techniques quiz and to discuss lab reports (part of the class grading). The class will NOT HAVE AN EXAM during regular exam week - it will not "load up" the exam session. We will be essentially done at the end of November.

Now, an important thing - there is a lot of confusion about the lab fee and course credits. The tuition for this class is at 2 credits total (you register for BOTH lab and lecture section at the same time, with this amount) PLUS $300 lab fee that cover ELISA kits, qRT-PCR and cell culture reagents we are using in class. Systems show something like TWO $300 fees, but it's not.

So, 2 credits total + $300 lab fee.

The class size is limited to 6 students.  You must email Dr. Baranova ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) if you wish to register for this course.  Include your GMU ID number in your email request.  When  approved, I will issue you a "course override" on Patriot Web which will allow you a 72 hour window to register for the course.  You must log in to Patriot Web daily until you see the override, and then register yourself.

thank  you,

Dr. Ancha Baranova

Dr. Ancha Baranova
Associate Professor and
the Director for the Center for the Study of Chronic Metabolic Diseases
School of Systems Biology
College of Science
George Mason University
4400 University Dr
David King Hall MSN3 E1
Fairfax VA
Phone: 1-571-334-1145