November 2017


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Kylene Kehn-Hall <[log in to unmask]>
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Kylene Kehn-Hall <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Nov 2017 17:50:04 +0000
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Kylene Kehn-Hall, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director
School of Systems Biology
National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases
George Mason University

Biomedical Research Laboratory
10650 Pyramid Place, MS 1J5
Manassas, VA 20110
703-993-8869 (Office)
703-993-9493 (Lab)
703-993-4280 (FAX)
[log in to unmask]

From: Jennifer Sturgis
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2017 11:59 AM
To: Lance A Liotta; Emanuel F Petricoin; [log in to unmask]; Claudius Mueller; Mariaelena Pierobon; Alessandra Luchini; Ruben Magni; Elisa Baldelli; Julia Wulfkuhle; Rosa Gallagher; Alex Hodge; Valerie Calvert; Paul Russo; Weidong Zhou; Sally Rucker; Justin B Davis; Charles L Bailey; Kylene Kehn-Hall; Aarthi Narayanan; Ramin M Hakami; Monique Van Hoek; Yuntao Wu; Robin Couch; Barney M Bishop; Mikell Paige; Young-Ok You; Fatah Kashanchi; H G Cox; Anna V. Baranova; Geraldine M Grant; Vikas Chandhoke; Iosif Vaisman; Dmitri Klimov; Saleet Jafri; Pat Gillevet; Masoumeh Sikaroodi; John R Cressman; Laurence Bray; Nitin Agrawal; Carolina Salvador-Morales; Nathalia Peixoto; Parag Chitnis; Siddhartha Sikdar; Wilsaan Joiner; Qi Wei; Michael Daro Buschmann; Giorgio Ascoli; Amarda Shehu; Caroline Hoemann; James C Thompson; Theodore C Dumas; Tara Chaplin; Christiann L Esposito-Smythers; Michelle Harris Love; [log in to unmask]; Kathryn H Jacobsen; [log in to unmask]; Janusz Wojtusiak; [log in to unmask]; Holly C Matto; Ruben Armananzas Arnedillo; [log in to unmask]; Shane V Caswell; Nelson Cortes; Gregory Koblentz; Naoru Koizumi; Andrew Guccione; Lisa Chin; John P Collins; Jeffrey Herrick; Randall Keyser; Clinton J Wutzke; Elisabeth H De Jonge; Sina Gallo; Constance A Gewa; Kerri Lacharite; Margaret Slavin; Tammy Wagner
Subject: Cover letter workshop for science students, etc. (SciTech campus) 11/3/2017

Thanks for passing word of this workshop to your students.
Jennifer Sturgis
on behalf of the Institute for Biohealth Innovation
Cover Letter Workshop
Date: November 3, 2017 noon - 1:00 pm
Location: George Mason University SciTech Campus, Institute for Advanced Biomedical Research, Room 1004
Please RSVP at

Cut out all the second guessing of what to include in your cover letter by attending this workshop to learn all the do's and don'ts of tailoring your document. Kimberly Bellamy of University Career Services will facilitate an activity that will put you in the consultant's seat to determine whether to hire a candidate or not based on their application letter. You will leave with all the tips you need to write an effective cover letter for your next internship or job. (Session expected to be repeated on Fairfax campus in spring semester.)

Presented By: Kimberly Bellamy. Manager, Industry Advising & Employer Development, University Career Services
Hosted By: Institute for Biohealth Innovation and the School of Systems Biology

Feel free to bring your brown bag lunch.