August 2015


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"Diane St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
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Diane St. Germain
Tue, 4 Aug 2015 15:29:13 +0000
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You're invited!
2015 Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program
Poster Session and Awards Ceremony
Date: Friday August 14, 2015
Location: Hylton Performing Arts Center, George Mason University's
 Science and Technology Campus
10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas, Virginia
Time: 9:00am-12:30pm (agenda below)
 You will be amazed by the innovative discoveries that have been made by the 2015 class of Aspiring Scientists! Eighty-six high school and undergraduate students who worked alongside mentors at George Mason University, HHMI Janelia Research Campus, Virginia Tech Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, and Inova Fairfax Hospital will present their cutting-edge research. Student poster presentations will be accompanied by a keynote presentation, which will highlight how student research is benefiting patients and exemplify the philosophy of research of consequence.  The Aspiring Scientists have worked on diverse science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) topics including: Biochemistry, Biodefense, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Computational Social Science, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Environmental Science, Genomics, GeoInformation Science (GIS), Mathematical Modeling, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience, Physics, and Proteomics. We are confident that you will enjoy meeting this extremely bright and motivated group of students who we expect will become future STEM leaders.
9:00am-11:00am: Poster Session
11:15am-12:00pm: Awards Ceremony
12:00pm-12:30pm: Networking Reception
No RSVP is Necessary

ASSIP is proudly sponsored by:

Platinum Sponsors: Novant Health Foundation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and 4-VA
Gold Sponsors: ATCC, Corning Life Sciences, Prince William County Department of Economic Development, and United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation
Silver Sponsor: Micron Foundation
Bronze Sponsors: Beckman Coulter and Eppendorf

We would also like to express our sincere appreciation for those who have made personal donations to the program!

Amy J. Adams
Research Specialist
Director, Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program
George Mason University
Center for Applied Proteomics & Molecular Medicine
10920 George Mason Circle
Life Sciences Lab Building Room 2043, MS1A9
Manassas, VA 20110
Phone:(703) 993-2672
Fax: (703) 993-9575
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Join us at George Mason University for the 2015 RPPA Global Workshop<>!