Date: |
Thu, 30 Jun 2011 09:40:06 -0400 |
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1.0 |
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boundary=------------050607060306070301010709 |
Subject: |
From: |
In-Reply-To: |
Organization: |
George Mason University |
Comments: |
To: Biosciences Graduate Students < [log in to unmask]>,
Bioinformatics students < [log in to unmask]>,
Anna Baranova < [log in to unmask]>, Daniel N Cox < [log in to unmask]>,
Alan H Christensen < [log in to unmask]>,
Chip Petricoin < [log in to unmask]>,
Geraldine M Grant < [log in to unmask]>,
Karl J Fryxell < [log in to unmask]>,
Monique Van Hoek < [log in to unmask]>, Yuntao Wu < [log in to unmask]>,
Charles L Bailey < [log in to unmask]>, Jim Willett < [log in to unmask]>,
Serguei Popov < [log in to unmask]>, Lance Liotta < [log in to unmask]>,
Valery Soyfer < [log in to unmask]>,
Kylene Kehn-Hall < [log in to unmask]>,
Fatah Kashanchi < [log in to unmask]>,
Alessandra Luchini < [log in to unmask]>,
Ramin M Hakami < [log in to unmask]> |
Parts/Attachments: |
Sorry, I just received notice that this seminar has been canceled.
Diane St. Germain wrote:
> You are invited to attend the following seminar :
> Friday, July 1, 2011
> Dr. Mukesh Kumar
> Albert Einstein College of Medicine
> "Cell and Gene Therapy approaches against viral hepatitis"
> 12:00 Noon, BRL Breakroom
> --
> For more information contact:
> Kylene Kehn-Hall, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Molecular and Microbiology
> National Center for Biodefense & Infectious Diseases
> George Mason University
> Biomedical Research Lab
> 10650 Pyramid Place, MS 1J5
> Manassas, VA 20110
> Phone: 703-993-8869
> Lab: 703-993-9493
> Fax: 703-993-4280
> [log in to unmask]