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January 2013


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Wed, 30 Jan 2013 09:20:04 -0500
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"K. Collette Lawson" <[log in to unmask]>
George Mason University - PIA
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Fwd: Spring Events
Date: 	Tue, 29 Jan 2013 15:22:20 -0500
From: 	Charvis V. Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
To: 	[log in to unmask]

Hello all,
This is at our PW CAMPUS, so if you live in the vicinity please try to 


THE LOVING STORY - Special screening and reception at PWC, Sun, Feb 10 
at 3pm

Please join us on Sunday, February 10, at 3:00pm, at the Prince William
Campus, for a special screening and reception for THE LOVING STORY as
part of the Immigration and Human Rights Film Series and Black History
Month celebration.

THE LOVING STORY is a story of love and the struggle for dignity set
against a backdrop of historic anti-miscegenation sentiments in the U.S.
The documentary is the definitive account of Loving v. Virginia -- the
landmark 1967 Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial
marriage. Married in Washington, D.C., in 1958, the Lovings returned
home to Virginia where their marriage was declared illegal - he was
White, and she was Black and Native American. THE LOVING STORY takes us
behind the scenes of the legal challenges and the emotional turmoil
while documenting a seminal moment in history and reflecting a timely
message of marriage equality in a personal, human love story.

The screening is free and open to public with a light reception
provided. A question-and-answer session immediately follows the film.

For your information, here's a review of the details:

Date: Sunday, February 10
Time: 3:00pm
Location: Verizon Auditorium, Prince William Campus

Take the Prince William Shuttle for transportation between the Fairfax
and Prince William Campuses. For the Prince William Shuttle schedule,
please visit http://shuttle.gmu.edu/pwshuttle.htm

The event is sponsored by University Life - Prince William Campus,
Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education, the Campus
Climate Committee, Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, &
Questioning Resources, Weekends, African and African American Studies

For more information, please contact Jackie Inskeep at [log in to unmask]
On 1/29/2013 3:04 PM, K. Collette Lawson wrote:
> Hello all,
> Here isa list of event for the upcoming months.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Spring Events
> Date: 	Tue, 29 Jan 2013 10:46:08 -0500
> From: 	Mika'il Petin <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: 	Mika'il Petin <[log in to unmask]>
> To: 	[log in to unmask]
> Hello everyone:
> Welcome to the new semester. I hope the winter break was relaxing for each
> of you. Please see a brief list of highlighted events coming up this semester:
> 1) Tonight, 1/29/2013, the Evening of Reflection to commemorate the legacy
> of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event will take place at 6:00PM in
> Dewberry Hall of the Johnson Center. President Angel Cabrera is the featured
> speaker. See more information at this website:http://mlkday.onmason.com/
> Also, please register her:http://2013mlk.eventbrite.com/#
> 2) Our W.E.B. DuBois Lecture will be held on Tuesday February 12th at 1:30PM
> in the Edwin Meese III Conference Room, Mason Hall. This year's featured
> speaker will be Thomas J. Sugrue, David Boies Professor of History and
> Sociology and Director of the Penn Social Science and Policy Forum at the
> University of Pennsylvania. The title of his talk is: "The Problem of the
> Twenty-First Century? Race and Inequality from DuBois to Obama." Also,
> please join us at 12:00PM on 2/12 in the Robeson Room for a light lunch with
> Professor Sugrue.
> 3) The Black History Month calendar is available on the website of the
> Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Education (ODIME). See the
> events here:http://odime.gmu.edu/bhm/
> 4) AAAS and the Ali Vural Ak Center for Islamic Studies will cosponsor the
> screening of the historical documentary, Prince among Slaves (2007). This
> film, which is based upon the book written by Terry Alford, recounts the
> true story of an African Muslim prince who was captured and sold into
> slavery in the American South. The screening and talk will take place on
> Tuesday February 12th at 3:00PM until 5:00PM in Research Hall, Room 163.
> More information about the film can be found here:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Among_Slaves_(film)
> 5) On Thursday, February 21st, Tricia Rose will be the Black History Month
> keynote speaker. Her talk is titled, "Love Always Shines": Making Just,
> Black Communities and Why They Matter." This event will be held from 7:00PM
> until 9:00PM in the Bistro, Johnson Center. This event is sponsored by ODIME.
> 6) Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services (WAVES) will host
> an event, "Identity, Body Image, and Nutrition: How Food and Culture
> Intersect in the Black Community" on Thursday, February 28th. The location
> will be Johnson Center, Room F (336), and the time will be 7:00PM until 9:00PM.
> 7) The annual Sojourner Truth lecture will take place on Tuesday March 5th
> from 3:00PM until 5:00PM in the Meese Room, Mason Hall. This year's featured
> speaker is the Honorable Helen Shores Lee, and the title of her talk is:
> "Journey to Equality: Reflections of Growing Up in Bham during the Civil
> Rights Movement." There will be a book-signing to follow her talk. AAAS and
> Women and Gender Studies are the cosponsors.
> We hope to see you at all, or at least some, of the events. Please share
> this information with your students, colleagues, and peers. Good luck as you
> progress through the semester!
> Best regards,
> MP
> --
> Mika'il Petin
> 703.993.4080

Charvis V. Campbell
Assistant Dean, University Life
Prince William Campus
George Mason University
703.993.8373 - office